Friday, June 21, 2019

Cirque Du Soleil CRYSTAL

hockey ramps

Cirque du Soleil CRYSTAL is appearing at the Wells Fargo Center through June 23, 2019 and will move to the PPL Center in Allentown from June 26-30. This is a Cirque show like none you have ever seen. Think of it as Cirque du Soleil meets the Ice Capades. Magnificent doesn’t begin to describe the set as the lights change it into so many different backgrounds and the ice covered floor with the trickery of lighting becomes first a cracked pond, then an underwater paradise. Crystal is bored with her everyday life and is swept away by her imagination. Falling through cracked ice she is free to imagine a whole new world at her disposal. She is given a pen which helps her write some of her scenarios. The scenes are numerous with each one more spectacular than the one before it. There is a juggler on skates who Crystal encourages and is joined by other skaters and jugglers.  Crystal’s stunt double Emma Stones appears on the trapeze so seamlessly that the audience might not even realize that it isn’t Lisa Mochizuki, the solo figure skater who is performing the amazing acrobatic feats. An acrobat balances upside down on a tower of chairs as they are handed to her one at a time. If that isn’t exciting enough, the chairs are  scuttled across the ice. Crystal joins ice hockey players as she skates onto the ice in a Flyers’ Jersey The ice hockey players skate up and down ramps that turn into an no-holds-barred electrifying pin-ball machine game. An absolutely gorgeous moment occurs when a pianist is playing a piano as it is wheeled  onto the ice with a violinist sitting atop and three couples in formal attire dance around the ice to the lovely music which is played. An aerialist descends from the ceiling as Crystal imagines her romantic moment with him. There are many other captivating moments. Don’t miss this mesmerizing performance. For information and tickets, visit

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