Sunday, February 2, 2014

Tuesdays With Morrie

Morrie and Mitch
Bristol Riverside Theatre, located at 120 Radcliffe Street, Bristol, Pa, is presenting Tuesdays With Morrie through February 16.  Based on the best-selling book by Mitch Albom, this memoir relates the time Albom spent with his much beloved former college professor after he was diagnosed with ALS.  Mitch, played by Danny Vaccaro, is an ambitious, talented self-serving, sports journalist whose work takes him all over the world to cover every major sporting event for print, radio and TV. It is no small wonder that he forgets a promise made to a favorite college professor to “stay in touch.”  Richards Easley plays that college professor, Morrie Schwartz, otherwise known as "coach."  When Mitch sees Morrie interviewed on Ted Koppel because of his ALS, he feels a twinge of guilt and flies to visit him.  Morrie is delighted and doesn’t let Mitch leave without extracting a promise from him to visit the following Tuesday.  The months of Tuesdays allow the actors to develop their characters.  Mitch is no longer a one-dimensional individual by the end of the play. Despite his illness, Morrie  never stops being a teacher. He tells Mitch, “You have to learn how to die in order to learn how to live.”  His portrayal of someone with Lou Gehrig’s disease is superb. His gradual loss of physicality is incredible.  For more information or tickets to see this wonderful production, call 215-785-0100 or visit

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